News Update

002 News cast edited APRIL 27850 emigrants who drowned in the Mediterranean seeking asylum in Europe. Another brutal police attack in from Detroit to Baltimore. Let the Hunger Games begin...

004 News cast edited APRIL 30 More on the 850 emigrants intentional drowned by human traffickers. Tunisian captain of the boat carrying refugees facing charges. Protests in Baltimore and follow-up other crimes.

024 News cast edited AUG 23 News from Detroit, Shooting, Shooting and more Shooting of Black men by Cops, Hurricane Danny teasing islands in the Atlantic, More bad news for the College Porn King…Jared?, How hot sauce can cost you $9 million, Mediterranean emigrants suffer at home and abroad, The original Oracle passes and Captain Kirk is in mourning.

029 Who is Behind #BlackLivesMatter Sept 9 Black Lives Matter includes many grassroots organizations. But who are the organizers and what's the source of the money behind this New Civil Rights Machine?

033 Worst flooding in a Millennium Oct 4State of Emergency in 3 states Declared!!